Live event ACEA cover Clonwerk

Acea Acqua

WE LIVEAcea AcquaACEA Acqua - DifendiAMO l'acqua #direction #mapping #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling Clonwerk was in…
Live Event 5th AIMAG Closing 2017 Clonwerk

AIMAG Closing Ceremony

WE LIVEAIMAG Closing Ceremony5th AIMAG Closing Ceremony 2017 #artdirection #graphiccreativity, #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling #videomapping #projectionsonfloor…
5th AIMAG Opening 2017 COVER

AIMAG Opening Ceremony

WE LIVEAIMAG Opening Ceremony5th AIMAG Opening Ceremony 2017 #artdirection #graphiccreativity, #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling #videomapping #projectionsonfloor…
Live Event 45th National Day Clonwerk

National Day

WE LIVENational Day45th National Day #graphiccreativity, #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling #mattepainting #videomapping #projectionsonfloor #projectiononscreens #projectiononprops Clonwerk…
Live event Istanbul Big City Model Videomapping Clonwerk

MIPIM 2016

WE LIVEMIPIM 2016MIPIM 2016 - Istanbul Big City Model Videomapping #graphiccreativity, #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling #videomapping…
Live Event Expo 2015 - Albero Della Vita Clonwerk

Expo Milano 2015

WE LIVEExpo Milano 2015EXPO Milano 2015 - Albero della vita #videocontentproduction #projections #ledlines #lakearenascreens #motiongraphics…
Live event La divina bellezza CLONWERK

La divina bellezza

WE LIVELa divina bellezzaLa Divina Bellezza - Discovering Siena #direction #mapping #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling Clonwerk…
Live Event Enigma CLONWERK


WE LIVEEnigmaEnigma #direction #mapping #motiongraphics #2Dcompositing #3Dmodeling #interaction Clonwerk was in charge of the direction,…